Work like a dog
What you need to know if you’re gearing up to use stock dogs on the ranch Rancher Justin Hozack uses multiple dogs at a time to help him...
Multiple choice(s) for an ag education
Finding the best way to integrate business studies with farm skills is becoming an educational must It takes a ton of skilled farmers —...
Stock Density
Holistic Management is a decision-making process. “The Power of Stock Density” comes from the combination of using four tools (animal...
Fed cattle supply outpaces demand, non-fed cow price lowest in a decade
Fed Cattle Canadian supplies are outpacing demand. Even with more slaughter shifts, the fed market remained within a fall low trading...
Forage Growth and Quality is Impacted by Dry Growing Conditions
One of the main objectives of a plant during the growing season is to produce a viable seed head so that the species can develop new...
Making Hay in Hot Weather
Hot, dry conditions negatively impact forage quality and hastens maturity. In general, when plants mature, the percentage of high...
Storage of Hay Influences Quality
The hay is cut. Is it to be made into chopped / round bale silage or into dry hay? There are advantages and disadvantages of each system...
Does preg-checking cows pay?
It’s a “forever” debate. On one side of the scrum are the naysayers who claim preg-checking is sacrilege foisted on the industry by...