June 2023
In this issue:
Director's Note- Angela Kumlin
Cattle Hacks- Practical Tips for the cow herd
Manage soil health while grazing cropland
The Highlights: Kris Nichols at the South Dakota 2023 Soil Health Conference
Using hooves instead of harrows to rejuvenate pastures
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September 2022
In this issue:
Vice Chairman's Note- Daryl Chubb
Soil Health Institute Announces Recommended Measurements for Evaluating Soil Health
Ergot in Crops, Hayfields and Pastures
Satellite tracking of cows still a work in progress
Plant diversity on Alberta rangelands is minimally affected by management intensive cattle grazing, study finds
Keep your eye out for drought-caused nutrient deficiency in your cattle
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September 2021
In this issue:
Director’s Note – Emily Lowe
AgSmart 2021 - A Rancher's Perspective
Livestock and feed resources planning during drought
How ag plastics recycling works in Alberta - challenges and opportunities
Specialists Provide Advice on Early Weaning Calves
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August 2024
In this issue:
Director's Note- Gary Smolik
Taking a fresh look at your land, cattle and grazing system
Cutting Edge Project Has Farmers and Ranchers RALLying for Soil in Alberta
Alberta farmers should plan for drought while rainfall plentiful
Grazing Fall Rye
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February 2024
In this issue:
Director's Note- Dave Sammons
Calving ease top priority when selecting heifer bulls
Meeting Cow Requirements While Winter Grazing
Tips for ‘grafting’ a new calf to a new mother
Choosing the right mineral supplements can be daunting
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November 2023
In this issue:
Director's Note- Tanis Cross
Thinking about alternative feed sources? Think outside the box
Weaning considerations for healthy calves
Low-stress Cattle Handling's Domino Effect on Improved Health, Productivity
Major determinants of profita
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August 2023
In this issue:
Director's Note- Sarah Green
Three insights on controlling Canada thistle through grazing
Watch out for blue-green algae where livestock drink
Celebrating Wray Ranch. the 2023 Environmental Stewardship Award Winner
A Case Study on Replacement Heifer Selection
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May 2022
In this issue:
Director's Note- Morrie Goetjen
United Nations declare 2026 the International Years of Rangelands and Pastoralists
Restoring marginal lands can be a long-term money maker
Long-term study shows benefits of planned rotational grazing
The building block of soil
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November 2021
In this issue:
Director’s Note – Morie Goetjen
Battling BRD with Genomics
'Its not the cow, its the how' : why a long-time vegetarian became beef's biggest champion
Managing Ag Plastics Long-term - Can Product Suppliers Play a Bigger Role?
'Preg' testing cows is easier than it used to be
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February 2021
In this issue:
Director's Note – Tanis Cross
Well Decommissioning 101
Will the development of the Grassy Mountain Coal Project adversely affect one of the top agricultural food production areas on the continent? - Letter to the editor
Cattle care in the cold
Working with farming neighbours to graze crop residue
Click the photo to read this month's issue
January 2025
In this issue:
Director's Note- Daniel Doerksen
Three steps to prepare for winter feeding of livestock
Tips to help cows, calves recover from difficult birth
Cameras make a difference in winter calving
Annual forages can extend the grazing season
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July 2024
In this issue:
Director's Note- Graydon Garner
Is artificial insemination better than natural service?
Beef 911 : Breeding season prep checklist
Hemlock: A deadly poison affecting spring and summer pasture
Rotational grazing methods boost this ranch's forage production by 400%
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October 2023
In this issue:
Director's Note-Jerry Baerg
Timing key when managing high-nitrate feeds
Grazing cattle on cropland can be mutually beneficial
Planning before shipping cattle can save big dollars in reduced shrink
Regenerative Agriculture Soil Principles
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Directors Note - Ben Campbell
Beef producers share insights into certification programs
Backgrounding basics - easing the transition from weaning to feeding
Soil Carbon, Soil Health and Carbon Markets
Chairman's Note - Alex Robertson
WLPIP helps producers minimize risk in volatile marketplace
Nitrate buildup a threat after light frost
Making genomics work for commercial cattle herds
Is your ranch a "ranch of the future"
Put antimicrobials, traceability, and biosecurity on your to-do list
Director's Note - Daryl Chubb
Keep an eye out for blue-green algae in dugouts
Is it time to rejuvenate that old hay field or pasture?
Low-stress weaning for calves
Director's Note - Steve Yule
Swath later for better winter grazing
The five principles of soil health
Taking a fresh look at your land, cattle and grazing system
Director's Note - Morrie Goetjen
Breeding season bull management
Been there, dung that
Where does short-season corn fit?
Director's Note - Sean LaBrie
Checking water from afar
7 common cattle fencing mistakes
Carbon Sequestration a positive aspect of beef cattle grazing grasslands
Saving a jewel—and the setting it’s placed in
Putting science into grass management
Manager's Note - Laura Gibney
Selecting the right forage mix has never been easier
Seeding tips for perennial forages
Where are we at with antimicrobial resistance?
Warm season crops and cool climates
How to head off summer pneumonia
Profitability, finances and your ranching future
Director's Note - Justin Blades
When parentage testing pays for your commercial operation
Calving: minimizing personal risk
Legumes can boost pasture productivity
Greenfeed may be linked to milk fever
Disease can be bad news for calves
Director's Note - Tamara Garstin
Research finds Canadians want to learn about agriculture
Should all forages be valued the same?
Beef Nutrition
Tips for grafting a calf
Treasurer's Note - Ben Campbell
Develop a plan for the year ahead
Triticale attributes make for sound feed options
The importance of getting quality colostrum
Cows and Chaos webinar series back in 2020
Chairman's Note - Andy Hart
Managing resistance to internal parasites in cattle
Regeneration Canada reaches out to farmers
Feds delay transport rule enforcement
A boaring threat to our meat production
Director's Note - Rod Vergouwen
Feedlots to be put to the test - and that's what they want
Itching and rubbing in your herd? Lice treatment may be necessary
Researchers make case for grassland benefits
Turning common heifer development logic on its head
There are extra challenges in wintering cows this year
Director's Note - Marcel Busz
For climate-smart farmers, carbon solutions is in the soil
Producers pay attention to body condition
Bye-bye Canada Thistle
Vice Chair's Note - Alex Robertson
The roots of life and health: Elaine Ingham's theory of the living soil
Device said to calm cattle for a variety of procedures
Let's seize this historic opportunity in our agriculture sector
The importance of pregnancy checking the cow herd
Director's Note - Steve Yule
Sustainability starts in the microbiome
Understanding and Using Basis Levels in Cattle Marketing
What to consider when choosing alternate cattle feed sources
Sustainable beef pilot moving up to the next level
Summer Student's Note - Jodi Giles
Conservation Finds a Home on the Range: DUC Supports Beef Industry for Environmental Sustainability with ABP
Understanding the Cattle Market Sliding Scale
Rains bring some relief to hay markets, but not much
Call it 'a vegan sandwich': Beyond Meat a hot topic as beef producers converge on Cowtown
Director's Note - Morrie Goetjen
Introduction to Livestock Marketing
8 strategies for selecting replacement heifers
Low-stress weaning for calves
Getting Cows to Breed Back and Breed Up Quickly
Director's Note - Justin Blades
Don't delay planning your winter feed supply
Drought brings additional livestock challenges
Persistence pays
Coordinator's Note - Sonja Bloom
Why Didn't My Cover Crops Work?
Spring Planting Summer Annuals for Fall & Winter Pasture
Castration Tips and Pain Control
Director's Note - Sean LaBrie
Establishing reproductive momentum in replacement heifers
Opinion: A farmer's transformation
Students make pitch in ag competition
Vaccines made simple - basics you need to know
Treasurer's Note - Ben Campbell
A Climate Change Solution Beneath our Feet
Clean Surroundings Called Key to Calves Getting a Good Start
Finding the Right Minerals for Your Cow-Calf Operation
Director's Note - Tamara Garstin
Reducing Nitrate Concerns When Grazing Forage Cover Crops
Handy Tips to Prepare for Calving Season
Rotating Pastures to Reduce Scours in Calves
Director's Note - Mike Roberts
Bale Grazing Trial Looks at Feed Waste
Doing the Math on a Straw-grain Ration for Pregnant Cows
Can Cows Help Mitigate Climate Change? Yes, They Can!
Manage Weather Risks to Feed & Water
Director's Note - Steve Yule
Some Do's and Don'ts When Treating Cattle in Cold Weather
Don't Neglect the Boys When Their Work is Done
Livestock Medication Rules Take Effect Dec 1
Director's Note - Stan Wiebe
Building Soil Resilience With Cover Crops
Cow Feeding Economics This Winter
Canada: A Role Model for Sustainable Beef Production
Director's Note - Alex Robertson
WLPIP Claim Window: What to Keep in Mind
Alberta Beef Producers Plebiscite Regulations Announced
Be Prepared for Nitrate Poisoning in Forages
Director's Note - Justin Blades
Have You Tested Your Feed?
There's a Reason Stem-mining Weevils are the Priciest Livestock in Alberta
The Bane That is Absinth Wormwood
Predator Compensation Benefits All of Society
Winter Cow Care
· Director's Note - Sean LaBrie
· Canadian Agricultural Partnership Grants
· Minimizing Heat Stress in Beef Cattle
· Producers Can Now Take Beef Sustainability to the Bank
· Director's Note - Rod Vergouwen
· Fencing; Back To Basics
· Are You Ready For A Drone?
· Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP)
- Director's Note - Morrie Goetjen
- The Environmental Argument for Cattle
- What's the Big Deal About Soil? Everything
- Technology's Ability to Deliver Beef a World Away
- Manager's Note: Laura Gibney
- Producers Should Have a Back Up Plan to Ensure Quality Water Year Round
- Good Grazing Means Managing for What You Want
- Why Your Cows Need Those Expensive Vitamins
- Director's Note: Andy Hart
- Manager's Note: Jennifer Duckering
- Where do all the cows graze in Alberta
- AgriStability
- Bursary Recipients
- Director's Note: Tamara Garstin
- 2018 FFGA Membership Renewal
- FFGA Annual General Meeting
- FFGA JOB OPPORTUNITY (Environmental & Communications Coordinator)
- Calving Book Technology: There's an App for That!
- Director's Note: Ben Campbell
- 2018 FFGA Membership Renewal
- FFGA Annual General Meeting
- Climate Change and Grassland Management
- Bringing in Livestock Key to Rebuilding Soil
- Director's Note: Andy Hart
- 2018 FFGA Membership Renewal
- FFGA Annual General Meeting
- Texas Ranches Manage Cattle to Improve Habitat and Watershed Health
- Winter Watering: What Are My Options?
- Executive Director - Agricultural Research & Extension Council of Alberta (ARECA) - Job Posting
- Director's Note: Morrie Goetjen
- The 7 "What If" Questions Every Rancher Should Ask Themselves
- Making Compost Tea Specific to Your Crop
- Cover Crops as Forage for Beef Cattle - BCRC Factsheet
- Soil Aggregates Found in Great Soil "Just Like Christmas"
- Director's Note: Alex Robertson
- Enjoying the Little Things in Life - Soil Microbes
- 12 Tips on Positioning for Successin Times of Economic Resets
- Swath Grazing: More Than Just Frozen TV Dinner for Your Overwintering Cattle
- Director's Note: Tamara Garstin
- Opportunities Exist in the Public's Misconception of Agriculture
- Foothills Grazing Bursary - 2018
- Can Forage Seed Breeding Compensate for Fewer Pastures?
- No Need to Fear Winter Grazing, Let the Cows Do the Work for You
- Environmental Coordinator's Note: Rachel McLean
- Solar Photovoltaics Grant Update
- Managed Grazing's Effects on Soil Quality & Structure
- Rebuilding Spent Pasture: Four Years in Photos
- Native Forages Offer Resilience Against Mother Nature
- Forages & Grasslands: How They Contribute to Preservation of Biodiversity

- Director's Note: Graeme Finn
- The Importance of Monitoring Livestock Water Quality
- Get More Bang for Your Nitrogen Buck
- 3 Tips for Farm Business Success
- Increase Stock Density to Improve Land Faster
- 5 Habits Young Producers Should Practice
- Fast Facts on Forage Brassicas

- Treasurer's Note: Ben Campbell
- 5 Tips to Develop a Grazing System in Sync with Nature
- In Search of Fescue
- Understanding Human Behaviors & How They Affect Cattle Handling
- How Can I Improve My Tame Pasture?
- More Soil Organic Matter Makes More Rain

- Director's Note: Stan Wiebe
- 3 Ways to Achieve a 266% ROI with Cover Crops
- Data Collection with Drones
- Digging Deep Reveals the Intricate World of Roots
- All About Mycorrhizal Fungi
- Gabe Brown: The Brown Family Grazing Strategy

- Vice Chairman's Note: Andy Hart
- Manage Your Pasture's Nitrogen Cycle
- What's in Your Calving Kit?
- Fresh Water is the Primary Soil Nutrient You Should Be Managing For
- Seedbed Preparation for High Legume Pastures
- Considerations for Using Overwintered Crops as Livestock Feed

- Chairman's Note
- FFGA Bursary Recipient
- Jim Gerrish Grazing School
- 5 Forage Establishment Mistakes to Avoid
- Making Sense of Many Systems of Rotational Grazing

- Manager's Note: Jennifer Duckering
- 7 Tips for Financial Success
- Poison Bait Not the Only Answer to Gopher Problems
- Reproduction & Grazing Were Designed For Each Other
- Spain & Portugal Agriculture Tour

- Director's Note - Rod Vergouwen
-What is Rotational Grazing?
- Foothills Forage's Annual General Meeting
- Bale Grazing Dos and Dont's
- Is It Time to Start Early Evening Feeding?
- Generating Electricity From the Sun.

- Director's Note: Morrie Goetjen
- Tighty Whities and Soil Health
- Economics of Swath Grazing
- Range Management: Then & Now
- Canada Thistle Weevils: A Hopeful Biocontrol?
- Director's Note: Stan Wiebe
- Are Stockpiled Forages Your Winter Grazing Insurance
- Calving Clinic
- FFGA is Hiring
- FFGA Christmas Party

- Director's Note: Tamara Garstin
- Snow as a Water Source
- Reduce Winter Feeding & Be More Profitable
- Can Grasslands Be Managed as a CO2 Sink?

- Vice Chariman's Note: Andy Hart
-Grazing Crop Aftermath
- Frost Seeding - A Cheap Alternative?
- How Hay is Stacked Does Make a Difference
- Cow-Calfenomics

- Director's Note: Alex Robertson
- Advanced Soils School
- The Facts on Feed Testing
- Profit Per Cow or Per Acre?
- Is It Residual or Is It Reside?